Parental responsibility is really important. It is the legal rights and responsibilities a parent has for a child and what gives legal recognition to you being a parent.
If you have parental responsibility you will be responsible for:
- Providing a home for your child;
- Protecting and maintaining your child (although parents without parental responsiblity also have a duty to financially support thier child)
- Choosing and providing for your child’s education;
- Making decision in relation to your child’s medical treatment;
- Naming and agreeing to any change of name;
- Looking after your child’s property.
Exercising parental responsibility, that is making decisions about your child should be done in agreement with all others with parental responsibility. This is usually straightforward if you are in a relationship with the other parent, however for separated parents it can be challenging.
Parental responsibility and separated parents
Having parental responsibility for a child you do not live with, does not automatically mean you have a right to spend time with them. However, the parent with who the child lives must consult others with parental responsibility when making major decisions about your child.
You do not need to be consulted about each day to day decision, however when it comes to important matters such as schooling or moving abroad, both parents should reach an agreement. It is sensible to record this in writing.
If an agreement can’t be reached you can apply to the court for a specific issue order or a prohibited steps order.
You can find out more about this and get the relevant court forms here:
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