Many people put off speaking to a solicitor because they are worried about the potential cost. Conversely, by speaking to a solicitor at the outset you are more likely to save costs in the long run as well as a lot of stress. The earlier you obtain legal advice about your separation the better. Practical advice about the divorce process and the likely outcomes for you will help you navigate the process with clarity and understanding. In my experience, couples who have both received early legal advice are more likely to reach a settlement and avoid the delay and costs excessive litigation can bring.
It is never too early to speak to a solicitor if you think your relationship is coming to an end. Burying your head in the sand will achieve nothing, facing up to the situation from an informed position will empower you to move forward and make the overall process less stressful. I often speak to people before they have made a definite decision about their relationship, but who want to explore their options and what their reality may look like of they proceed with a divorce.
Your partner or ex-partner need not know you have obtained legal advice if you decide not to proceed with the situation. The interactions you have with a lawyer will be confidential and your lawyer will be used to dealing with clients very discretely.
Just because you speak to a solicitor does not mean your case will end up in court. A good solicitor will seek to achieve the best outcome for you without litigation if possible. They will be able to support you through the mediation process and work with you to achieve an agreed outcome with your ex-partner.
Choosing the right solicitor for your matter is crucial and we therefore offer a free initial consultation so that you can find out more about our services and decide whether we are the right fit for you.