From the blog….
Can we make a joint application for divorce?
Yes, recent changes to the law mean that for the first time it is possible for a couple to apply jointly for a divorce. Whilst it is still possible to apply individually, a joint application is likely to be the best option in most situations. Making a joint decision to apply for a divorce can…
How do I make an individual application for a divorce.
Step 1: Apply online Whilst instructing a solicitor is not required when submitting a divorce application, if you have been unable to agree to make a joint application with your ex-partner it is likely your relationship is quite acrimonious and some professional input will likely be of real benefit. You may not need to instruct…
Travelling abroad with children – What documents do I need?
With the summer holidays rapidly approaching, I have been getting lots of questions about taking children on holiday. I hope this blog helps you get your paperwork in order, there is still (just) sufficient time to apply for a passport. (HM Passport Office are currently estimating 10 weeks for a passport so move swiftly). Holiday…