
From the blog….

  • What is Parental Alienation?

    Parental alienation is a controversial subject.  There is no official legal definition of parental alienation and the idea is often dismissed by professionals.  However, it is not uncommon for a parent to feel that their ex is not supportive of their ongoing relationship with their child. If you are alienated parent you are likely to…

  • Why do I need a divorce lawyer?

    Early legal advice during the divorce process is invaluable. It is never too soon to speak to a solicitor, they can advise you on likely outcomes which will enable you to make informed decisions about your separation. Where both individuals receive early legal advice, it is more likely that they will be able to reach…

  • How do I choose a divorce lawyer?

    Choosing the right solicitor for your case is absolutely crucial. Divorce is a stressful and expensive experience and you need to ensure that you have a solicitor who provides sound legal advice and will be supportive throughout the process. Cost will be a major consideration when deciding who you want to work with. Legal fees…